01277 231089
07766 175759
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Contact Us

Here are all the details that you need to get in touch with us here at PH Therapy. You can of course email us, or you can follow us on Facebook and Twitter from the links provided for all the latest news feeds.


Head Office:

PH Therapy
Queens Road
CM14 4FP

Telephone Numbers:

Telephone: +44 (0) 1277 231089
Mobile: +44 (0) 7766 175759

Office Hours:

Monday to Friday: 9am to 6pm
Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holidays: Closed

Feel free to send a text message at any time,
we will get back to you as soon as we can.


Monday to Wednesday: 9am to 9pm
Thursday: 9am to 9pm
Friday: 9am to 1pm

Saturday, Sunday & Bank Holidays: - by agreed appointment only.

Appointment Availability:

Location Map:

View Larger Map
  9am - 12pm 12 - 3pm 3 - 6pm 6 - 9pm
Sunday not available* not available* not available* not available*
Monday not available not available available available
Tuesday not available available available available
Wednesday not available available available available
Thursday available available available available
Friday not available* not available* not available* not available*
Saturday not available* not available* not available* not available*

* - These slots are available only upon agreement and not on a regular basis. These slots will cost £50.00 per session per person.

You can also find my profile by just clicking on the following websites:

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