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About Therapy

People get confused when talking about Counselling/Therapy, and what exactly is each one. They both are the same thing and do exactly the same, some people like to call it therapy, and some to call it counselling. It allows a person to talk about their problems and feelings in a confidental, comfortable and relaxed atmosphere. It is where the client is free to talk about whatever they wish to disclose and in a time that they feel is right without having any restraints put on them. The reason for having counselling is that you may of decided that now is the right time for you to be able to talk about certain issues that have previously been hidden away to protect yourself or others. It can also be because you have got to a point where you are unable to deal or cope with certain issues within your life and you need to speak to someone that is impartial and non-judgemental.

There may one of a numerous number of reasons as to why you may need or think you need therapy, but there is usually a common demoniator regarding this as it comes from you either suffering from a traumatic experience or are suffering from anxiety or depression. These all go hand in hand usually as if you do experience something that is traumatic in your life, you will start to feel anxious and possibly have low self-esteem and in turn that can cause depression. Even suffering these will be traumatic too and finding a way out of that situation is the need to talk to someone so that you can ease the pressure on yourself.

Trauma can come in many different shapes and forms in life, from something very simple and small to very big and even life changing in ways. Trauma can stay with someone for many years if not a lifetime once they have suffered it, and it can have a large impact on their lives if not dealt with.

Below is a list of symptoms that you might currently feeling through anxiety or depression, and if you can relate to any of these them it is best you consider getting help / therapy to help you through this.

Psychological Symptoms

Being more alert Lack of Concentration
Disrupted Sleep Tense
Feeling Irritable Tearful
Feeling Worried Unable to Relax

Physical Symptoms

Breathing Faster Loss of Appetite
Chest Pains Palpitations
Feeling Sick Sweating
Feeling Unstable Tingling in Fingers & Toes
Headaches Tiredness
Heart Beating Faster Unsettled Stomach



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