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Types of Therapy Available

When it comes to counselling there are three different types, and they aren’t ranked or listed here in any particular order. It doesn’t mean that best comes first neither as each type of therapy suits different people and it is tailored for each individuals need and wants from therapy.

Person Centred (Talking Therapy)

Person centred therapy is wholly based upon the client and for them to talk and discuss what is troubling them at that time, whether it be an ongoing situation, issue or whether they have something that is new in their lives that they wish to talk about. Person centred therapy is a talking therapy that allows a person to talk about their problems and feelings in an environment that is totally confidential. This can cover most things in life as it is a way for the client to express how they are feeling, what they want to gain from the therapy sessions and that they are in total control of what they talk about and when. With regards to person centred therapy, it is usually regarded that you have an introduction session with a counsellor for you both to get to know one another and to try and build up a rapport if sessions may start.

Sessions are conducted on a weekly basis with reviews after periods of time to see how you are finding therapy and whether it is helping you or not. With regards to this therapy, it covers most topics that are listed in our 'Therapy we Cover' section of the website.

CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy)

A lot of people are now hearing and learning about CBT as it is becoming a more common form of therapy where it helps to try and gain the confidence of a client through a series of stages to help train the mind to work in a certain way. CBT is mainly used to help people with Phobias, trying to quit (whether this be from alcohol, drugs, gambling etc), Anger Management, Eating Disorders and Anxiety and Panic Attacks. The sessions are structured over a 6 week period to help you overcome your fears and to deal and cope with the same issues if they arise at any further time with the new skills learnt.


Psychodynamic therapy is similar to psychoanalytic therapy in that it is an in-depth form of talk therapy based on the theories and principles of psychoanalysis. But psychodynamic therapy is less focused on the patient-therapist relationship, because it is equally focused on the patient’s relationship with his or her external world. Often, psychodynamic therapy is shorter than psychoanalytic therapy with respect to the frequency and number of sessions, but this is not always the case.

Psychodynamic therapy is primarily used to treat depression and other serious psychological disorders, especially in those who have lost meaning in their lives and have difficulty forming or maintaining personal relationships. Studies have found that other effective applications of psychodynamic therapy include addictionsocial anxiety disorder, and eating disorders.


Mindful Walks

We will be partnering with 'Mindful Walks' to provide another way to enjoy therapy. Surveys have shown that by going out walking and exercising in generals helps stimulate the mind and makes us feel more alive. There will be a list of walks for all ages and dogs will be welcome too. We will post walks on here that you will be able to do with others that we may not host.




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